Cochlear Implants in Children


Implants for Cochlear are tiny electronic devices that help in providing a sense of the sound of a person who is deaf and profoundly or very difficult to hear. These implants differ from hearing aids that can make sound more powerful. Instead the cochlear implant eliminates damaged parts of the ear and stimuli the auditory nerve. The signals that are produced by an implant are processed by the brain to be sound. Cochlear implants provide beneficial hearing experience for both adults and children who do not use hearing aids.

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What are Cochlear Implants for Babies?


Cochlear implants are small and sophisticated electronic devices that assist in providing the sensation of hearing to someone who is profoundly deaf or extremely hard-of-hearing. Cochlear implants can bypass damaged parts of the ear and activate the auditory nerve. Signals produced from the implant processed by the brain to be sound. Cochlear implants aren't the solution to hearing loss, however, they can provide deaf people with a helpful representation of sounds that are in the environment . They can also help them to comprehend speech.

Implants for cochlear hearing are a possibility for babies as young as only a few months old but the majority of children who have them are between one and five years old. To be eligible to receive cochlear implants children must suffer from profound to severe hearing loss that is not assisted by hearing aids. Additionally the child must be in no medical conditions that prevent them from having surgery, and also be able to engage in the rehabilitation process following surgery.

What is the reason one would require Cochlear Implantation?

A cochlear implant may be required for a variety of reasons. For instance, they could develop hearing impairments or difficulty of hearing, or be hearing impaired later on because of an illness or accident. Cochlear implants can aid people suffering from all kinds of impairments to hearing, which includes people who've tried conventional hearing aids and still don't hear properly.

What is Cochlear Implantation work?

A cochlear implant can be described as a tiny, complicated electronic device that serves to replace the role in the inner ear damaged. Contrary to hearing aids, which can make sounds more loud and more powerful, cochlear implants perform the job to repair the damaged inner ear by bringing the hearing sensation to people who are severely deaf or extremely difficult to hear.

The implant consists of two major components: an external part which is placed behind the ear and an internal one that is surgically inserted under the skin.

The external part consists of a microphone that listens for sound in the surrounding environment, and an audio processor that transforms the sound into electrical signals. The processor sends these signals through a transceiver which sends them to an inside within the implant.

What is the Cochlear Implant Surgery Procedure?

The whole procedure usually will take less than 2 hours.The surgeon begins by making an incision just behind the ear. This removes the mastoid bones. A tiny hole is then made in the mastoid bone, and an electrode array is introduced into the cochlea. The array of electrodes is connected to an internal device beneath the skin by the surgeon.