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How to Prepare for an Allergic Skin Test


Allergies happen when the immune system overreacts, which is also called hypersensitivity. Most of the time, the immune system protects the body from viruses and bacteria. For people who have allergies, The immune system thinks that something like dust or pollen is dangerous, even though it is not. The immune system responds to what it thinks is a threat by making an allergic reaction. Some signs of an allergic reaction are sneezing, a runny nose, and a blocked nose.

The substance which causes allergy is called an allergen. A skin test is used to determine what allergens someone is allergic to. The test can tell you which substances (allergens) are causing your allergic reaction. Some of these things are pollen, dust, mould, and even medicines like penicillin.

There are three typical ways to test:

1) Skin prick test placing a small about of allergen on the skin. The skin is then poked so the allergen can get under the skin. Several allergens tested at the same time. Results by 15-20 minutes.

2) Intradermal skin test-injecting a small amount of allergen into the skin and watch for a reaction at the site.

3) Patch testing involves sticking possible allergens to the skin with tape for 48 hours. The area is looked for reaction by 72-96 hours.

Skin tests may cause minor discomfort, itching, a stuffy nose, watery eyes or skin rash if the patient is allergic to the substance. Rarely can an allergy affect the whole body. RAST- Radioallergosorbent test: The blood test measures the levels of allergy. The body makes an antibody or IgE when allergens are mixed with blood. Ascent ENT Specialist near Coimbatore offers the best in ear, nose and throat care services.If you have an allergic skin test, you should prepare for it beforehand. Start by telling your doctor about any medicines you are taking and any known allergies you have. Before the test, you may be asked to stop taking certain medications. Also, let your doctor know if you have recently had any treatments for your skin or if you have a skin condition still going on.

On the day of the test, wear clothes that are comfortable and let you show skin. Before the test, take a bath or shower to eliminate any lotions or oils that might change the results. You may also be told to only eat or drink for a set time before the test.Make sure to arrive on time, and be ready to discuss your health history. During the test, your doctor may ask you to tell them about any feelings you are having. During the trial, staying still and doing what your doctor tells you is important. By getting ready for an allergic skin test, you can help ensure the results are correct and give your doctor the information they need to diagnose. The Ascent ENT Hospital near Wayanad team is well-trained and experienced in providing surgical solutions to ear, nose and throat problems.You should avoid taking antihistamines for at least three days before the test. Antihistamines, such as those found in some allergy medications, can interfere with the results of an allergy skin test. You should also wear loose clothing and avoid wearing any lotions, oils, or makeup on the test day.